I am so glad you asked. I frankly think it is a fitting question for Bachiosaurus Studios.
Firstly, may I mention that the beautiful artwork to this Blog is from Kasia Severaid, artist extraordinaire. The featured abstract image reminds me of a pterodactyl in flight (although I happen to know it is meant to represent something quite different!). She has graciously allowed me to utilize some of her artwork as part of the design scheme for my website.
So, the other night, my wife and I decided our young son was ready to see the the movie, Jurassic World. He loved it, of course, and since then he has been watching the YouTube video I made of a song I composed & performed, Chicxulub – Dinosaur Musings on the Meaning of Life OR Trouble at the K/T Boundary! It is a family video game adventure THEME. My son said it should get about a million likes, so what are you waiting for?! Here’s the video link: